Product overview for exporters
All forms of cover for your foreign business at a glance.

Several export transactions / Wholeturnover Policies
foreign buyers in one or more countries.

Revolving Supplier Credit Cover
Supplier credit cover enables German exporters to insure trade receivables arising from a single export transaction (delivery of goods or rendering of services).
Protection against payment default arising from recurring export transactions – one buyer, one Country
- Short term: up to 12 months credit period, in exceptional cases up to 24 months

Wholeturnover Policy (APG)
The Wholeturnover Policy (APG) is a cost-effective and easily manageable tool for German exporters repeatedly supplying goods and/or services to several buyers in different countries to insure short-term receivables (credit terms of up to 12 months). The policy period is one year and about two months before the expiry the exporter will receive a renewal offer.
Protection against payment default arising from repeated export transactions amounting to a coverable turnover of at least EUR 500,000 – several buyers, several countries
- Short term: up to 12 month credit period

Wholeturnover Policy light (APG-light)
The Wholeturnover Policy Light (APG-light) is a cost-effective and easily manageable tool for German exporters supplying goods to several buyers in different countries to insure short-term receivables (credit terms of up to 4 months). The policy period is one year and it will be automatically renewed if notice of termination is not given in due time.
Protection against payment default arising from overable turnover from repeated export transactions – several buyers, several countries
- Short term: up to 4 month credit period

Export transaction with one buyer

Hermes Cover click&cover EXPORT
Hermes Cover click&cover export enables German exporters to quickly insure trade receivables from a single export transaction (delivery of goods or rendering of services) online where straightforward export transactions are concerned.
Due to the fast processing, especially in the SME segment, this type of cover is only offered for standardised transactions. Basically, it is available for transactions in countries classified in risk categories 1 – 5 and with credit periods of up to 5 years.
Protection against payment default arising from single export transactions
- Short term: up to 24 month credit period
- Medium/long term: up to 5 years credit period

Supplier Credit Cover
Supplier credit cover enables German exporters to insure trade receivables arising from a single export transaction (delivery of goods or rendering of services).
Protection against payment default arising from single export transactions
- Short term: up to 24 month credit period
- Medium/long term: credit periods 2 years and longer

Leasing cover
With Leasing Cover, a German lessor (producer/exporter or leasing company) secures its leasing claim from a cross-border leasing transaction against a foreign lessee.
Protection against bad debt losses from individual export transactions
- Short-term: Up to 24 months payment term
- Medium/long-term: From 24 months payment term

Export Credit Cover for service providers
With Export Credit Cover for Service Providers, a German exporter/contractor secures a claim arising from an export transaction involving the provision of services that are not related to the export of goods.
Protection against loss of receivables from individual export transactions
- Short-term: Up to 24 months payment term
- Medium/long-term: From 24 months payment term
Supplementary cover
arise from the export transaction.

Contract Bond Cover
By taking out contract bond cover, a German exporter may insure himself against the politically occasioned or unfair calling of a bond required by the foreign buyer to ensure the exporter’s satisfactory performance of the contract.
Protection against certain guarantee claims of the buyer under the contract

(as applicant)
The Counter-guarantee complements a Contract Bond Guarantee and thus cannot be used independently. It enables German exporters to ease the pressure on their credit lines. Especially small and medium-sized companies can enhance their liquidity with it.
Protection against recourse claims by financing institutions.

Forfaiting Guarantee
The forfaiting guarantee makes it easier for exporters to refinance their federally covered small-ticket business. It provides the exporter with more liquidity and strengthens its position in international competition.
To protect against receivables from cross-border delivery transactions with an order value of up to 10 million euros (or the equivalent in euros).
- Short-term (up to 2 years)
- Medium/long-term (2 years and more)
You can find out how you can use forfaiting to expand your financing scope for foreign transactions on our product page:

Confiscation Risk Cover
Confiscation risk cover enables German exporters to insure their typical risks in such transactions abroad where it is not yet clear when the goods cross the border whether they will be sold abroad at all or definitively (e.g. delivery to a consignment warehouse or purchase on approval) or where the sale is not primarily intended (e.g. deliveries to a customs or trade fair warehouse).
Protection against confiscation risks from individual or recurring export transactions, mainly due to loss or damage to the goods for political reasons
- Short-term: Up to 24 months payment term
- Medium/long-term: From 24 months payment term
Specific export cover
from project financing or structured finance schemes.

Promotion of climate-friendly exports
Global climate change is one of the greatest challenges of the coming years. The German government also supports the further development and transfer of climate-friendly, efficient high technology through initiatives in the area of export promotion.
Special conditions / protection against bad debt losses through improved conditions
- Payment terms of up to 22 years
- Up to 70% foreign supplies

Project financing
Project financing refers to large-scale projects in which the operating costs and debt service for borrowed funds are generated from the project itself. The focus is on a legally and economically independent special purpose company (SPC), which acts as the debtor. It is therefore a form of financing based on the project's own income ("cash flow related lending") outside the investor's balance sheet ("off balance sheet financing").
To protect against bad debt losses on large-volume investment projects, the economically independent single-purpose companies (SPCs) can hedge manufacturing risks and non-payment risks in the same way as banks hedge the uncollectibility of loan receivables.

Ship financing
Ship financing requires a customized hedging concept as the basis for competitive financing solutions for German shipyards and the supply industry. On the basis of flexible solutions within the framework of export credit guarantees, it is possible to provide cover for newbuildings (e.g. passenger ships, container ships or product tankers, RoRo ferries, etc.) as well as for the conversion of existing ships, for example.
Protection against bad debt losses, especially for long-term financing
- payment terms of up to 12 years