How to get Hermes Cover
This is how we support you in your export business!
Get informed.
Hermes Cover simple explained in our information brochure.
Your target market – how to secure your exports
Country cover policy of more than 200 countries.
Hermes Cover for foreign customers
Foreign business partners find information on the page "Your way to buy 'Made in Germany'". Here you also can find information in other languages.

Shopping Line Cover
With Shopping-Line-Cover several transactions of different exporters can be bundled into one or several credit tranches with uniform repayment profile. The financing bank can then obtain cover for the credit facility from the Federal Government.

Your way to buy 'Made in Germany'
How may we support your business with Germany?

Seu acesso ao "Made in Germany"
Como podemos apoiar o seu negócio com a Alemanha?

Su acceso a «Made in Germany»
¿Cómo podemos apoyarle a usted en sus negocios en Alemania?

Votre accès au « Made in Germany »
Comment pouvons-nous vous soutenir dans vos affaires avec Allemagne ?

"Alman Malı" na erişiminizbuy
Almanya ile işinizi nasıl destekleyebiliriz?