Digital services for your platforms
All interfaces and tools at a glance
Digital Services of the Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany
In addition to the online applications already available to the customers of the Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany (so-called Hermes Cover), such as, for example, myAGA and APG Online, we also offer various application programming interfaces and iframes to connect with our systems and digital services.
Our digital interfaces for connecting directly to your systems
Currently, we are offering the following free digital services:
- Interface to the country information
- Integration of the manual
- Data exchange for banks/financing institutions
- Integration of the feasibility check and the premium calculation tool
Embedding Country Risk Categories and Cover Policy
We provide country information on our website, which informs about the OECD country risk classification and the prevailing cover policy. The appropriate API allows you to have these data that are constantly kept up to date at your disposal on your own website or on your Intranet for your staff. There are several possible uses. Some users of the API, for example, only draw on the country risk categories for their systems. Other users make the complete country information available.

Export Credit Guarantee "Handbuch" (manual)
The “Handbuch zu den Exportkreditgarantien des Bundes” (available only in German) helps to understand the Federal Export Credit Guarantees, their bases and framework conditions by providing a systematic, comprehensive overview. With an iframe, you can make the content directly available on your website.

Connection to the myAGA interface as bank
Our customer portal myAGA makes it possible to digitally submit applications for Hermes Cover. Since the details entered there are frequently the same required for a request for financing, we offer an interface with our system. With the help of this API the data can be exchanged directly. This considerably reduces the amount of manual input for double entries.
Do you wish to use the tool on your website?
Please do not hesitate to contact us. You will find our contact details at the bottom of this page.

The feasibility check assesses your export project
The feasibility check offers the possibility to assess, on the basis of five criteria, whether an export project qualifies for support through an Export Credit Guarantee. We offer this feasibility check as iframe for integration into your website.
Do you wish to use the tool (German version only) on your website?
Please do not hesitate to contact us. You will find our contact details at the bottom of this page.

The premium calculation tool for a first indication
“How much does it cost?” – with only four questions to a first indication as to the premium amount with the new premium calculation tool. At the push of a button you can see a repayment plan and thus compare offers. Due to the intuitive handling, both exporters and, because it is in English, also their foreign customers can quite simply and quickly use the tool.

Your contacts
Additional information
You would like to use our digital services or learn more about them? We have lined out the subsequent process for major projects under the headings below:
- First contact. Clarification of initial questions, objective, analysis of requirements and agreement of a road map.
- Workshop. In a workshop, a user story will be prepared, from which the actual development steps can be derived.
- Quotation. If a user story has been defined, which requires development work on our part, you must bear the expenses after an estimate of costs.
- Development. The necessary development work will be carried out at both ends during this phase.
- Testing. Once the programming work is completed, the function will be tested.
- Activation. If the testing is successful, the new service can be activated. In the attached PDF document you will find all information on the possibilities and limitations of a connection to these or new services.
Please note
We kindly ask you to note the following principles for the use of our digital services as well as the API Terms of Use:
- Licence agreement and API Terms of Use. The actual use of our digital services will be agreed in the licence agreement and, in all other respects, the API Terms of Use shall apply.
- No cooperation. The connection to our digital services does not constitute a cooperation or association with Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft or the Federal Government.
- No exclusivity. As agent of the Federal Government we make our digital services available to all interested parties at the same terms and conditions; exclusive access or use is not possible – this applies even if we enhance or newly develop any digital services together with you.
- No advertising. As agent of the Federal Government we do not pursue any advertising purposes with our digital services and we do not take part in third party advertising for commercial services in connection with our digital services either.
- Cookies. We use cookies for our digital services, for example, our iframes. You, as content provider, are responsible for providing information on these cookies.