Country categories
The country risk classification for your export market.
Classification and systematics
Here you will find the current country classification applicable under the export credit guarantee scheme of the Federal Republic of Germany in alphabetical order. Explanatory notes on the country risk classification system as well as the historical classifications are made available by the OECD.
If one of the multilateral/regional financial institutions named in the table below is included as borrower or guarantor, the premium will be calculated on the basis of a market test.
*) The countries marked *) are high-income countries of the OECD and the euroarea, which are not classified by the OECD with regard to their risk. A premium category, that applies to all OECD countries, does not exist. The premium is calculated on the basis of a market test.
**) In order to avoid competitive distortions within the EU common market, a market test is also carried out for countries marked **). As a result, the premium may be higher than that of the country risk category stated.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y | Z
The following changes in the German country risk classification system took effect on 7 February 2025:
Country | New category | Previous category |
Albania | 4 | 5 |
Bulgaria | 2 | 3 |
Country | Category |
Afghanistan | 7 |
Albania | 4 |
Algeria | 5 |
American Samoa **) | 2 |
American Virgin Islands **) | 2 |
Andorra *) | ./. |
Angola | 6 |
Antigua and Barbuda | 7 |
Anguilla *) | ./. |
Argentina | 7 |
Armenia | 6 |
Aruba | 4 |
Australia *) | ./. |
Austria *) | ./. |
Azerbaijan | 4 |
Country | Category |
Bahamas | 4 |
Bahrain | 6 |
Bangladesh | 5 |
Belarus | 7 |
Belgium *) | ./. |
Belize | 7 |
Benin | 6 |
Bermuda | 2 |
BES Islands (Bonaire, St. Eustatius & Saba) *) | ./. |
Bhutan | 6 |
Bolivia | 6 |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | 6 |
Botswana | 3 |
Brazil | 5 |
British Virgin Islands | 2 |
Brunei | 2 |
Bulgaria **) | 2 |
Burkina Faso | 7 |
Burundi | 7 |
Country | Category |
Cabo Verde | 5 |
Cambodia | 6 |
Cameroon | 6 |
Canada *) | ./. |
Canary Islands *) | ./. |
Cayman Islands | 2 |
Central African Republic | 7 |
Ceuta & Melilla *) | ./. |
Chad | 7 |
Chile *) | ./. |
China, PR | 2 |
Colombia | 4 |
Congo, Rep. (Brazzaville) | 7 |
Congo, Dem Rep. (Zaire) | 7 |
Cook Islands *) | 7 |
Costa Rica | 3 |
Côte d’Ivoire | 5 |
Croatia *) | ./. |
Cuba | 7 |
Curaçao | 5 |
Cyprus *) | ./. |
Czech Republic *) | ./. |
Country | Category |
Ecuador | 6 |
Egypt | 6 |
El Salvador | 7 |
Equatorial Guinea | 7 |
Eritrea | 7 |
Estonia *) | ./. |
Eswatini | 6 |
Ethiopia | 7 |
Country | Category |
Falkland Islands *) | ./. |
Fidji | 5 |
Finland *) | ./. |
France *) | ./. |
French Guiana *) | ./. |
French Polynesia | 2 |
Country | Category |
Gabon | 6 |
Gambia | 7 |
Georgia | 5 |
Ghana | 7 |
Gibraltar *) | ./. |
Greece *) | ./. |
Greenland *) | ./. |
Grenada | 7 |
Guadeloupe *) | ./. |
Guam **) | 2 |
Guatemala | 4 |
Guinea | 7 |
Guinea-Bissau | 7 |
Guyana | 5 |
Country | Category |
Iceland *) | ./. |
India | 3 |
Indonesia | 3 |
Iran | 7 |
Iraq | 7 |
Ireland *) | ./. |
Israel **) | ./. |
Italy *) | ./. |
Country | Category |
Kazakhstan | 5 |
Kenya | 7 |
Korea, DPR (North) | 7 |
Korea, (South) *) | ./. |
Kosovo | 6 |
Kuwait | 2 |
Kyrgyzstan | 7 |
Country | Category |
Laos, DPR | 7 |
Lativa *) | ./. |
Lebanon | 7 |
Lesotho | 6 |
Liberia | 7 |
Libya | 7 |
Liechtenstein *) | ./. |
Lithuania *) | ./. |
Louxemburg *) | ./. |
Country | Category |
Macao | 2 |
Madagascar | 7 |
Malawi | 7 |
Malaysia | 2 |
Maldives | 7 |
Mali | 7 |
Malta *) | ./. |
Marshall Islands | 4 |
Martinique *) | ./. |
Mauritania | 7 |
Mauritius | 3 |
Mayotte *) | ./. |
Mexico | 3 |
Moldova | 7 |
Monaco *) | ./. |
Mongolia | 7 |
Montenegro | 6 |
Montserrat *) | ./. |
Morocco | 3 |
Mozambique | 7 |
Myanmar (Burma) | 7 |
Country | Category |
Namibia | 6 |
Nepal | 6 |
Netherlands *) | ./. |
New Caledonia | 2 |
New Zealand *) | ./. |
Nicaragua | 7 |
Niger | 7 |
Nigeria | 6 |
Niue *) | ./. |
Northern Mariana Islands **) | 2 |
North Macedonia | 5 |
Norway *) | ./. |
Country | Category |
Pakistan | 7 |
Palau | 4 |
Palestine - Autonomous Terriories | 7 |
Panama | 4 |
Papua New Guinea | 6 |
Paraguay | 4 |
Peru | 3 |
Philippines | 3 |
Pitcairn Islands *) | ./. |
Poland *) | ./. |
Portugal *) | ./. |
Puerto Rico **) | 2 |
Country | Category |
Saint Helena *) | ./. |
Saint Kitts & Nevis | 7 |
Saint Pierre & Miquelon *) | ./. |
Saint Vincent & the Grenadines | 5 |
Samoa (Western) | 4 |
San Marino *) | ./. |
Sao Tome and Principe | 7 |
Saudi Arabia | 2 |
Senegal | 5 |
Serbia | 4 |
Seychelles | 6 |
Sierra Leone | 7 |
Singapore *) | 0 |
Sint Maarten | 5 |
Slovak Republic *) | ./. |
Slovenia *) | ./. |
Solomon Islands | 7 |
Somalia | 7 |
South Africa | 4 |
South Sudan | 7 |
Spain *) | ./. |
Sri Lanka | 7 |
Sudan | 7 |
Surinam | 7 |
Sweden *) | ./. |
Switzerland *) | ./. |
Syrian Arab Republic | 7 |
Country | Category |
Taiwan | 2 |
Tajikistan | 7 |
Tanzania | 6 |
Thailand | 3 |
Timor-Leste | 6 |
Togo | 6 |
Trinidad und Tobago | 3 |
Tunisia | 7 |
Türkiye | 5 |
Turkmenistan | 7 |
Turks and Caicos Islands | 5 |
Country | Category |
Uganda | 6 |
Ukraine | 7 |
United Arab Emirates | 2 |
United Kingdom *) | ./. |
United States of America *) | ./. |
Uruguay | 3 |
Uzbekistan | 5 |
Multilateral / regional financing institutions
(Inclusion in a project as borrower or guarantor: calculation of the premium on the basis of a market test)
Institution | Domicile | |
AfDB | African Development Bank | Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire |
Afreximbank | African Export-Import Bank | Cairo, Egypt |
ADB* | Asian Development Bank | Manila, Philippines |
BOAD | West African Development Bank | Lomé, Togo |
BSTDB | Black Sea Trade and Development Bank | Thessaloniki, Greece |
CABEI | Central American Bank for Economic Integration | Tegucigalpa, Honduras |
CAF | Corporación Andina de Fomento | Caracas, Venezuela |
EDB | Eurasian Development Bank | Almaty, Kazakhstan |
IIB | International Investment Bank | Moskow, Russia |
TDB | Eastern and Southern Trade and Development Bank | Bujumbura, Burundi |
The current list of the credit institutions is published by the OECD.