Digital link via programming interface
for financing partners
Link up with the export credit guarantee scheme of the Federal Republic of Germany
As of now interested banks and providers of financing solutions can link up directly with the myAGA customer portal via an application programming interface (API).
Process simplification for banks
In order to increase the promotion instrument’s attractiveness for financing partners in particular in connection with small-ticket financing, they can link up with our digital application process and digitally transmit key data of the export transaction via the API. The transmission of information provided by the exporter from the myAGA customer portal into the bank’s credit application process (and vice versa) does not only reduce the number of double entries for the exporter. It also simplifies processing for the financing bank: In future, exporters can choose a financing partner already while completing their application for an Export Credit Guarantee of the Federal Government and transmit the data relevant for financing to it with a key-stroke, and in doing so, initiate a financing application. But the data transmission in the opposite direction will also be possible, i.e. sending the client’s data from the bank’s portal directly to Euler Hermes. For a start, this will be possible for export transactions with an order value of up to 10 million euros, which also meet the criteria of the bank.
Possibilities for platform operators
Operators of financing platforms will also be able to link up with the new interface. Alternative solutions currently recognisable on the market are aimed at forfaiting Hermes-covered supplier credits, which are placed with financing partners in a technically efficient way by the intermediaries. In this context, the new API is to guarantee in future that the Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany can be technically integrated with such a platform solution.
What data will be transmitted
Only the relevant information will be transmitted. And it goes without saying that any data relating to other guarantees, for example any prime costs you may have stated, will not be transmitted.
Our API can transmit the entries in the following data fields:
Interested financing partners, who wish to link the interface up with their systems, can contact us on the telephone number 040 / 8834 90 00 or via email at info@exportkreditgarantien.de.
Besides, you can download a detailed description of the interface for your software developers.