Useful links
Contact points for foreign trade
Berne Union1st Floor Thanet House, 231 - 232 Strand Telephone: +44 20 / 78 41 - 11 00 Internet: www.berneunion.org.uk | KfWPalmengartenstraße 5-9 Phone: +49 69 / 74 31 - 0 Internet: www.kfw-mittelstandsbank.de |
DEG - Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbHKämmergasse 22 Internet: www.deginvest.de | MIGA - Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency1818 H Street, NW Phone: +1 202 / 458 - 25 38 Internet: www.miga.org |
GTAI Germany Trade and Invest - Gesellschaft für Außenwirtschaft und Standortmarketing mbHFriedrichstraße 60 Phone: +49 30 / 200 099 - 0 Internet: www.gtai.de | OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development2, rue André Pascal Telephone: +33 1 / 4524 - 8200 Internet: www.oecd.org |
German Chamber of Industry and Commerce (DIHK)House of German Business Internet: www.dihk.de | MENA BusinessMENA Business advises on issues relating to Charlottenstr. 24 Phone: +49 30 / 20 64 81 77 Internet: mena-business.com |
German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) GmbHFriedrich-Ebert-Allee 32+36 Phone: +49 228 / 44 60-0 Internet: www.giz.de |
Association of German BanksBurgstraße 28 Phone: +49 30 / 16 63 - 0 Internet: www.bdb.de | The German |
Federal Association of the German | The Federation of German Industries (BDI)The BDI works to ensure that Germany remains an Breite Straße 29 Phone: +49 30 / 2028-0 Internet: www.bdi-online.de |
Association of German Chambers of Industry and CommerceBreite Strasse 29 Phone: +49 30 / 20308 - 0 Internet: www.dihk.de | German Engineering Federation (VDMA)Lyoner Strasse 18 Phone: +49 69 / 6603 - 0 Internet www.vdma.org |
Federal Association of Small and Medium-Sized EnterprisesLeipziger Platz 15 Internet: www.bvmw-berlin.de | Association of the Railway Industry in Germany (VDB) e.V.Universitätsstraße 2
Internet: https://bahnindustrie.info |
German Shipbuilding and Ocean Industries AssociationVSM Hamburg Phone: +49 40 / 280 15 20 Internet: www.vsm.de |
Country associations
Africa AssociationNeuer Jungfernstieg 21 Internet: www.afrikaverein.de | Asia-Pacific Committee (APA)APA Coordinator Germany Internet: www.bdi-online.de |
Latin America Association e.V.Raboisen 32 Internet: www.lateinamerikaverein.de | Near and Middle East Association e.V.Große Theaterstraße 1 Internet: www.numov.de |
Ostasiatischer Verein e.V.Bleichenbrücke 9 Internet: www.oav.de | East and Central Europe Association e.V.Ferdinandstrasse 36 Internet: www.o-m-v.org |
Committee on Eastern European Economic RelationsHaus der Deutschen Wirtschaft |
Other associations and initiatives
Export Initiative EnergyThe BMWK's energy export initiative supports suppliers of climate-friendly suppliers of climate-friendly energy solutions with a comprehensive support for your export project. Website: www.german-energy-solutions.de | Export Initiative Health IndustryNew sales potential in the medical technology market The Health Industry Export Initiative supports companies in the sector in opening up foreign markets. Website: www.exportinitiative-gesundheitswirtschaft.de
Environmental Technologies Export InitiativeExportinitiative Umwelttechnologien The Environmental Technologies Export Initiative of the Website: www.exportinitiative-umweltschutz.de
| Export Initiative Health Industry |
Project Finance InternationalThe export initiative helps German renewable energy and energy efficiency companies expand internationally, with Project Finance International offering financing advice. Website: www.project-finance.de/en/news/ |
Business opportunities
Information and assistance from the German foreign trade promotion agencyInternet: www.gtai-exportguide.de | Information on business opportunities in emerging marketsInternet: www.leverist.de |
Foreign Trade Fair Program (AMP)Internet: www.bmwk.de/Redaktion/DE/Publikationen/Aussenwirtschaft/auslandsmesseprogramm.html |
German National Contact Point for OECD Guidelines (NCP)
The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises are the most important comprehensive international instrument for promoting responsible business conduct. They cover the areas of: Information policy, human rights, employment policy, environmental protection, anti-corruption, consumer interests, science and technology, competition and taxation.
The German National Contact Point for the OECD Guidelines is based in the Federal Ministry of Economics and has two main tasks: Firstly, it provides information on the Guidelines and promotes their implementation. Secondly, it acts as an intermediary and mediator in complaints procedures.
In principle, any person or organization can submit a complaint to the responsible NCP about an alleged violation of the OECD Guidelines by a company. If there is no NCP in the country where the alleged violation took place, the complainant can turn to the NCP of the country in which the company has its headquarters.
Further information on the National Contact Point can be found under this link:
Africa Business Network
The Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany offer export-oriented companies different forms of cover to reduce their exposure to bad debt losses caused by economic or political factors. At the same time, they facilitate exporters’ efforts to raise finance for export business. This particularly applies to business in emerging economies and developing countries.
Euler Hermes Aktiengesellschaft will advise you on how to cover your foreign activities in African target markets.