Financing experts abroad
Expansion of the local advisory service
Exporters and importers will benefit
Expanded advisory service
German exporters and banks are quite familiar with the Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany as cover and financing instrument. However, abroad the so-called Hermes Cover is partly unknown although it offers importers quite a number of advantages. For this reason, the Federal Government expands its advisory services in selected countries. This means that experts will also offer advice and support locally to German exporters and financing banks.
Support on the spot
Our financing experts are offering their services in the German Chambers of Commerce (AHKs) at Dubai, Singapore, Abidjan and the mobile Desk in Latin America. They will support customers and banks on the spot. The support will be closely coordinated with the tried and tested advisory service of Euler Hermes in order to guarantee interlocking assistance from Germany and in the country of destination. The financing experts’ focus will be on the foreign buyers and local commercial banks, which will receive individual advice on the spot according to their needs. Besides, exporters – especially small and medium-sized enterprises – are offered advice and support at meetings locally.
Competence in the target markets
The financing experts are active on a regional level. They support customers and banks in Southeast Asia (from Singapore), West Africa and Subsahara Africa (from Abidjan), the MENA region (from Dubai) and in the mobile Desk Latin America. Personal assistance in the regions and the fact that the financing experts are located in the respective German Chambers of Commerce with their established local networks and the wide range of services they offer, provide for additional synergies.
How importers benefit
Backed by the federal government, the credit risk is reduced. This has a positive effect on the financing conditions. The importer benefits from Germany's excellent credit rating. In many cases, this is what makes financing possible in the first place. This makes ECA-covered financing made in Germany an interesting alternative to local loans or bond financing.
Further information for your foreign customers is summarized on our focus page:
How exporters benefit
Financing issues play a crucial role in sourcing. If the transaction can be financed favorably thanks to Hermes cover, the chances of the foreign customer ordering in Germany increase. In this respect, both importers and exporters benefit from ECA financing.