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Publication of Category A projects

Published export projects

Category A projects before final commitment 2023/2024

Category A projects, i.e. projects which may have serious environmental, social or human rights impacts, are published no later than 30 days before a final decision on the granting of export credit cover is taken. Subsequent firm commitments for cover are not recorded in this list.

Information on Category A projects covered in previous years can be found in the projektarchive (German version). 

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Project overview

03.12.2024, Construction and operation of two offshore wind farms, Poland

The projects involve the construction and operation of two offshore wind farms (Baltyk II and Baltyk III) with each consists of 50 wind turbines. The wind parks will have a installed capacity of 720 MW each. They are located in the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone, 37 km or 23 km off the coast near Ustka.

Further information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project can be found in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, the Non-Technical Summaries and other documents on the project website: 

Download documents | Wind farms in the Baltic Sea

20.11.2024, Construction and operation of a gas and steam power plant, Uzbekistan

The project comprises the construction and operation of the gas and steam power plant (CCPP) "Jizzakh" with a capacity of approx. 550 MW, which fulfils the requirements of the relevant sector guideline for fossil fuels of the ECG climate strategy. The site is located approx. 5 km east of the city of Jizzakh in the Sharof Rashidov district.


Further information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project can be found in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA, PDF, 9 MB).

12.07.2024, Construction and operation of nine wind farms, Türkiye

The project involves the construction and operation of nine wind farms with a total of 180 wind turbines and a total generation capacity of 750 MW. The nine wind farms are located in the provinces of Aydin (approx. 180 km south-east of Izmir), Çanakkale (approx. 300 km north of Izmir) and Balikesir (approx. 200 km north of Izmir) in western Türkiye.

Further information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project can be found in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessments, the Non-Technical Summaries and other documents on the project website: https://yekares2.enerjisauretim.com/en

23.01.2024, Construction of a tunnel in connection with the construction and operation of a high-speed train line, India

The project concerns the construction of a tunnel in connection with the construction and operation of a 500 km long high-speed train line between Mumbai and Ahmedabad.

For more information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project, please refer to the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA, PDF, 12 MB) or follow this link.

15.11.2023, Expansion of the municipal drinking water supply, Angola

The project involves the expansion and operation of the drinking water supply in Angola's capital Luanda.

Further information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project can be found in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA, PDF, 31 MB) and the Addendum (PDF, 28 MB).

1.11.2023, Construction of railway track overpasses, Angola

The project involves the construction of nine rail overpasses at five locations along an existing railway line in Luanda.


More information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project can be found in the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA, PDF, 14 MB).

27.10.2023, Construction and operation of two particleboard plants, China

The project involves the construction and operation of two plants for the production of a total of 3.2 million m³ of particleboard annually at two new locations near the towns of Xintian in Hunan Province and Anfu in Jiangxi Province.


For more information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project, please see the excerpts from the Environmental and Social Due Diligence Reports (ESDD Jiangxi, PDF, 638 KB / ESDD Hunan 616 KB).

6.10.2023, Construction and operation of an electric steel plant, Sweden 

The project involves the construction and operation of a turnkey electric steel plant with direct reduction and a capacity of up to 5 million t/year, powered by green hydrogen produced on site. The site is located east of the town of Boden, about 30 km north of Luleå.


For more information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project, please refer to the  Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA, PDF, 9 MB).

26.5.2023, Construction and operation of an offshore wind farm, Poland

The project comprises the construction and operation of an offshore wind farm with 76 wind turbines and a generation capacity of 1200 MW. The project site is located 22.5 km off the coast of Leba and Choczewo, Poland.

For more information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project please refer to the Environmental Impact Assessment, the Non-Technical Summary and other documents on the project website:

19.1.2023, Construction and operation of a double-track high-speed train network, Egypt

The project consists the construction and operation of a double-track high-speed train network for passenger and freight transport. In total, the construction of three lines is planned, the present project includes the so-called "Green Line". The 660 km route of the "Green Line" goes from El Ain El Sokhna on the Red Sea coast to Marsa Matrouh on the Mediterranean coast.

More information on the environmental, social and human rights aspects of the project can be found in the Non-Technical Summary (PDF, 530 KB).