Title picture Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Government | Two people in a workshop are looking at a tablet

Your Partner for Export Cover

  • Protection against payment defaults
  • Access to risk-prone markets
  • Facilitate export finance

We will assist you with every step on the way.

Image: Women infront an 4 people behind standing on a table

The new package of measures for Export Credit Guarantees

More flexibility, better conditions, faster processes

The German government has adopted a comprehensive package of measures for export credit guarantees that strengthens the competitiveness of German exporters, secures skilled industrial jobs and facilitates the financing of export transactions. With flex&cover, the new approach to eligibility, improved cover ratios and simplified procedures, the package offers attractive solutions for companies in a changing global market environment.

State export credit guarantees (so-called Hermes Cover) have been protecting exporters and banks from the risk of commercial and political payment defaults since 1949 as an instrument for promoting foreign trade. The range of products available addresses the entire export value chain from production and delivery to payment of the final instalment.

Export credit guarantees transfer a large part of the risk of a payment default to the Federal Republic of Germany. In return for this, the policyholder pays a premium calculated on the basis of the risk involved. In the event of a loss, the Federal Government indemnifies the policyholder for the amount of the receivable covered (less uninsured percentage).

Export credit guarantees play a key role in risk management and sales finance. In many cases, they are a prerequisite for bank finance as the Federal Government with its investment-grade rating (AAA rating of Germany) lowers the credit risk, which has a positive effect on financing terms.

As a basic rule, all German export companies and export financing banks domiciled in Germany are able to apply for the Federal Government’s export credit guarantees regardless of their size or the value of the order. The key criteria for the provision of cover include eligibility for trade promotion and the prospect of loss-free execution of the transaction (justifiability of the risk).

Export Credit Guarantees are only to be had where the private industry does not offer appropriate or sufficient insurance cover. Consequently, the Federal Government concentrates on export credit guarantees for emerging economies and developing countries. Hermes Cover helps to open up markets, which are difficult to access, and to maintain business relations in challenging circumstances.

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Product finder

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Image of a hand holing a purse

I would like to ease the pressure on my credit facility. 

Let us take on some of your bank’s risk. That way you will receive sufficient credit to implement your plans.

Image of a woman in front of a house

My customer needs finance for the products I supply. 

Gain a competitive edge: Let us cover the bank’s risk exposure so that your customer can borrow money to buy your products.

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In Focus

Background knowledge on current topics

For German companies from the service industry

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Focus Africa


Shopping Line Cover


Hermes Cover click&cover EXPORT

Premium calculator

Receive an indicative all-inclusive premium including a financing plan with just a few steps.
The Premium Calculator was designed for foreign importers, but also offers German exporters an initial indication. The tool is currently only available in English.

Is my export transaction eligible for cover?

Exporters can already inquire about cover with the Federal Government prior to submitting a formal application. This non-binding inquiry is made online and free of charge.

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Icon: Video

Protection with Hermes Cover

How Government Guarantees can protect against default

What are Export Credit Guarantees?

See the video briefly explaining how Export Credit Guarantees can support you in your foreign business.

Solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises

The Export Credit Guarantees of the Federal Republic of Germany support in particular small and medium-sized enterprises in establishing trade relations with business partners abroad.
The main purpose of Hermes Cover is to provide protection against bad debt losses in connection with supplies to difficult and risky markets.
Besides, as a small or medium-sized enterprise you will also benefit from easier access to export finance.

Foreign business – yes, but on a safe basis


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on the suitable products.

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