Airbus Guarantee
Cover of aircraft financing
Brief description of Airbus Guarantee
An Airbus Guarantee is a guarantee on first demand covering the risk of bad debt losses (excluding the structure risk). Normally, the contractual set-up of the covered export transaction consists of a leasing contract, an isolated financial loan granted to a special-purpose company and covered by the guarantee and a subsequent finance lease to an airline or an operating lease company (asset based financing).
Airbus Guarantee at a glance
Target group
- German banks
- Branch offices of foreign banks in Germany
- Foreign banks
Credit period of the covered transactions
Medium / long-term (normally 12 years)
Special features
Cover of Airbus transactions is granted within the framework of international cooperation within the EU for the purpose of providing a uniform European solution for the cover of Airbus exports. For this purpose, the export credit agencies involved, bpifrance (France), UK Export Finance (UK) and Euler Hermes (Germany), and the supporting government agencies closely coordinate their activities.
An Airbus Guarantee can be supplemented with a Securitisation Guarantee, a Covered Bond Guarantee or a Securitisation Guarantee for the KfW Refinancing Programme in order to generate liquidity through the refinancing of receivables covered by a state export credit guarantee.
Premium is calculated according to specific rules (details will be provided upon request).
Do you have any additional questions regarding an Airbus Guarantee?
Our experts will be pleased to answer any questions regarding Airbus Guarantees and will guide you step by step through the application process if desired. Please do not hesitate to contact them.