
Cover Policy
With regard to applications for Export Credit Guarantees for export transactions in Ukraine, the Federal Government is continuously monitoring the current dynamic situation. The Federal Government's aim remains to provide Ukraine with the best possible economic support.
Short-term Business
There are no formal restrictions on cover.
APG Business
There are no formal restrictions on cover.
Notwithstanding para. 6 of the General Terms and Conditions Wholeturnover Policy (APG), accounts receivable resulting (exclusively) from the provision of services are not eligible for cover. This applies also to services rendered in connection with the supply of goods but invoiced separately.
The waiting period for the occurrence of an insured event (conversion and transfer risk) pursuant to the General Terms and Conditions of Wholeturnover Policies (APG) is six months.
Do you already know the Wholeturnover Policy (APG) for Ukraine (German version only)?
Medium/long-term Business
Cover facilities are available under a ceiling of EUR 250 million with a limit on the size of the individual transaction of EUR 10 million.
Transactions with higher contract values are eligible for cover if they are particularly deserving of promotion.
Transactions which are financed with a buyer credit are not booked against the ceiling until the loan agreement is also concluded (first come, first served basis).
In addition, cover is available for short-term transactions, project financed and other structured finance deals, where necessary based on countertrade transactions.
A restrictive approach is adopted to cover of local costs and foreign supplies.
Short-term Business / APG
Collateral is not normally required.
Medium/long-term Business, Private Sector
The buyer’s/borrower’s creditworthiness will be subjected to a rigorous assessment. In case of doubt, bank collateral is required.
Medium/long-term Business, Public Sector
State guarantees are required.
The assessment of a bank for acceptance as a guarantor or borrower is carried out case by case on the basis of informative documents and taking into account the risk involved.
Further Information
Country information on commercial practices, business climate, market analyses, law, import procedures, customs duties and international projects and tenders can be found on the website of Germany Trade & Invest (gtai, https://www.gtai.de).
Suspension of Cover for Russia and Belarus
For additional information, FAQs and contacts see our special page on the topic:


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