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Online attendance
10:00 - 11:00
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At our online event on 06.10.2021, we gave you a global economic outlook after the Covid-19 pandemic. The world has changed in the pandemic, especially the economic situation. With our online event, we gave you an overview from the point of view of Allianz and the Export Credit Guarantees. You received the latest update from our special Guest, Ludovic Subran, Chief Economist, Allianz SE. He is also Chief Economist of Euler Hermes. Ludovic Subran gave insights on the current situation in different regions and on which sectors have benefitted most. The global debt situation was also examined, especially public sector debt. Edna Schöne, Member of the Board, Euler Hermes AG, discussed with Ludovic Subran global supply chains and opportunities for German exporters in the current situation. The event was chaired by Sophia Schultz-Renz, Head of Department Country, Bank and Sector Analytics, Export Credit Guarantees, Euler Hermes AG.

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Here you can watch the recording of our online event.

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